Thursday, 20 March 2014

Adjective (adj.)

Adjectives are words that mainly describe a noun. They talk about the color, size, age, nationality, etc. of nouns and appear before them. Look at the examples below: (words in red are adjectives)

Blue eyes

Nice day

Iranian food

Boring movie

Interesting book

Adjectives also appear after the verb “to be” in a sentence. Look at the examples below: (words in red are adjectives)
 She is tall.                                                                                         
Mahan’s dog is very short.
The building in the town centre is old.
Artin is young.
Adjectives are the same for plural or single nouns. Look at the examples below: (words in red are adjectives)

Blue eye                    Blue eyes
Good day                 Good days
Long leg                    Long legs
Serious boy              Serious boys

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